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Malia McAndrew on American Beauty Culture

Displaying: 11 - 16 of 16

11. Young People and the Shaping of Public Space in Melbourne, 1870-1914
From SHCY member Simon Sleight (King’s College London)Young People and the Shaping of Public Space in Melbourne, 1870-1914. Ashgate Studies in Childhood, 2013.
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12. Coming of Age in Nineteenth-Century India: The Girl-Child and the Art of Playfulness
Ruby Lal, Coming of Age in Nineteenth-Century India: The Girl-Child and the Art of Playfulness. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013), xviii plus 229 pages. ISBN: 978-1-107-03024-4.
Tags: New Book
13. The Charleston Orphan House
From SHCY member John E. Murray: The Charleston Orphan House: Children’s Lives in the First Public Orphanage in America. University of Chicago Press, 2013.
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14. Children, Adults, and Shared Responsibilities: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives
Children, Adults, and Shared Responsibilities: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim PerspectivesCambridge University Press, November 2012.
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15. Ballots, Babies, and Banners of Peace
Melissa R. Klapper published a new book, Ballots, Babies, and Banners of Peace: American Jewish Women's Activism, 1890-1940.
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16. Home Front Girl
New book released from Chicago Review Press: Home Front Girl: A Diary of Love, Literature, and Growing up in Wartime America
Tags: New Book

Displaying: 11 - 16 of 16

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