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Sharon Wall on Space, the Maternity Home and Other Roads Taken

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1. Nominations: SHCY Best Article Prize in Italian, 2021-22
SHCY calls for the Best Article in Italian on the history of childhood and youth
Tags: SHCY Best Article
2. Michel Christian Wins SHCY Best Article Prize in French for 2019-2020
Michel Christian, Un autre printemps des crèches? Le développement des crèches Est-Allemandes des années 1950 aux années 1980” published in Annales de démographie historique in 2019. 
Tags: SHCY Best Article
3. Sosenski Wins SHCY Best Article Prize in Spanish for 2019 and 2020.
Susana Sosenski, "El Caso Bohigas: Reacciones Al Secuestro Infantil en el Mexico De Los Anos Curenta," Hispanic American Historical Review v. 99, no. 1 (Feb 2019).  
Tags: SHCY Best Article
4. Steuwer Wins SHCY Best Article Prize in German for 2019-2020
Janosch Steuwer, "'Doof geborn ist keiner. Doof wird man gemacht’: Kindersachen und soziale Differenz am Beginn der 1970er Jahre,” Geschichte und Gesellschaft 46 (2020): 259–84.
Tags: SHCY Best Article
5. Call for Nominations: SHCY Best Article Prize in German - 2019-20
Call for Nominations for the best 2019-20 article in childhood or youth history published in German
Tags: SHCY Best Article
6. SHCY Award Committee Reports for Years 2017 and 2018
Tags: SHCY Best Article, Fass-Sandin, Grace Abbott
7. Nomination: SHCY Best Article Prize in Italian, 2017-2018
Submissions due 15 January 2019.
Tags: SHCY Best Article, Nominations
8. Nominations: SHCY Best Article Prize 2018 (Spanish)
Please submit your nominations for the SHCY Best Article Prize in Spanish for 2017-2018.
Tags: Nominations, SHCY Best Article
9. 2017-2018 Prix du Meilleur Article en Français de la SHCY Best Article Prize in French
Tags: SHCY Best Article

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