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HES 2020
SHCY President Tamara Myers hosted a conversation at the History of Education Society's November 5-8, 2020 virtual conference with Kriste Lindenmeyer, Laura Lovett, Steven Mintz, and Bengt Sandin. The five discussed the founding of the Society and their experiences developing the organization. Listen to the audio version, here. Or watch the video, above.
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Kriste Lindenmeyer is University Professor and Dean Emerita at Rutgers University—Camden. During her academic career she was also a professor of history at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Tennessee Technological University, and Vanderbilt University. Lindenmeyer was a 2004-2005 Fulbright Senior Scholar in Germany, specifically Martin Luther Universistaet-Halle-Wittenberg. Her research focuses on the history of U.S. public policy, especially issues related to children and families. Her publications include The Greatest Generation Grows Up: Childhood in 1930s and The U.S. Children’s Bureau and Child Welfare, 1912–1946. She is a founding member and past president of the Society for the History of Children and Youth; 2005-07. |
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Laura Lovett is an Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, where she is working with faculty in the Education Dept, Medical School and Children's Literature Department, to help develop a Childhood Studies Program. She was the founding co-editor of JHCY from 2005-2015. She is the author of Conceiving the Future: Pronatalism, Reproduction and the Family in the United States, 1890-1930, Co-Editor of When We Were Free to BE: Looking Back at a Children's Classic and the Difference It Made. Her biography of the Childcare Activist who talked Gloria Steinem ONTO the stage, With Her Fist Raised: Dorothy Pitman Hughes and the Transformative Power of Black Community Activism will be published by Beacon in January 2021. |
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Steven Mintz is Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin. He previously served as Senior Advisor to the President for Student Success at Hunter College, Executive Director of the UT System's Institute for Transformational Learning, Director of Columbia's Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Teaching Center, and Moores Professor of History at the University of Houston. He was president of the SHCY 2009-11. Professor Mintz is the author of several books including Huck’s Raft: History of American Childhood. |
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Tamara Myers is Professor of History at the University of British Columbia. She is the current president of the Society for the History of Children and Youth. She came to the history of youth by way of criminal justice and gender history; her books include Caught: Montreal’s Modern Girls and the Law, 1869-1945 and Youth Squad: Policing Children in the Twentieth Century. |
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Bengt Sandin is professor emeritus. He was one of the founding professors at the Department of Child Studies in Linkoping when it began in 1989. His research span the period from the Early Modern to the late Swedish Welfare State including studies on Early Modern Education and State formation, Child Labour, Street Children, Educational Media Politics, and different aspects of Welfare Politics and the Swedish Welfare State and involve both an engagement in social, political and cultural history of children and the construction of childhood. Bengt Sandin has been the scientific leader of a number of large research programs financed by national government grants. He has been the advisor of some 25 Ph.D. projects. He was dean of the faculty of Arts and Sciences in Linköping for 9 years and department head for 9 years. He is a fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences at Stanford and also at Institute of Advanced Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington. Bengt Sandin was the president of the SHCY between 2011-13. |