Welcome to the inaugural contribution to the new student feature series. Our first student is Katherine S. Cartwright from the College of William and Mary. If you prefer to listen to Katherine's interview on the go, you can either subscribe to the new SHCY Podcast through Google Play, or listen to her interview here.
About Katherine S. Cartwright
Katherine (Kat) Cartwright is a Ph.D. candidate at The College of William & Mary. Her dissertation examines how American young people engaged in and shaped efforts aimed at cross-cultural understanding and internationalism from World War One through World War Two. She seeks to prioritize children and youth in her research by incorporating their voices and using sources they produced. Through her work she is interested in bridging the fields the History of Childhood and Youth and America in the World. In addition to her research, she is looking forward to teaching a course on Youth Cultures in Fall 2018. She hopes to leave her students both informed about the historical experience of young people in the United States and equipped to conduct historical research on youth.
“American Youth in Europe Between the World Words,”Diacronie: Studi de Storia Contemporanea 36 (forthcoming 2018).