Congratulations to the following winners for articles published in Scandinavian languages:
Karin Zetterqvist Nelson, “From children of the Nation to individuals in their own right,” Scandia (2012: 2). Scandia is a peer-reviewed journal for historical research that was founded in 1928 in Lund and publishes Swedish and Nordic research (sometimes also in English). It was founded to promote historical analyses in the Annales School tradition based on critical analyses of primary sources.
Olle Widhe, “’The Battle Is Ours!’ A Study of Olof Fryxell’s Snow Castle: a Tale for Countryside Boys and the Revival of Gothicism in 19th Century Swedish Children’s Literature” (Samlaren 2013). Samlaren is the oldest peer-reviewed, literary journal in Sweden. Published by the Swedish Society for Literature in Uppsala ince 1880, it publishes studies on Swedish and Nordic literature.
Each author will receive a plaque and $250. The selection committee was comprised of Bengt Sandin, Ning de Coninck-Smith, Eva Österberg, and Niels Finn Christiansen.