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Children, Adults, and Shared Responsibilities: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives

Children, Adults, and Shared Responsibilities: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim PerspectivesCambridge University Press, November 2012.

The book is a collection of essays by Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scholars that underscores the significance of sustained and serious ethical, inter-religious, and inter-disciplinary reflection on children.

Essays in the first half of the volume discuss fundamental beliefs and practices within the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam regarding children, adult obligations to them, and a child’s own obligations to others. The second half of the volume focuses on selected contemporary challenges and issues regarding children, such as adoption, foster care, child labor, education, and children’s rights.

Contributors come from various disciplines and diverse strands within these three religious traditions, and the volume as a whole provides a range of views on essential questions about the nature and status of children and adult-child relationships and responsibilities.

The volume aims not only to contribute to intellectual inquiry regarding children in the specific areas of ethics,religious studies, children’s rights, and childhood studies, but also to provide resources for child advocates, religious leaders, educators, and those engaged in inter-religious dialogue.

Contributors Include:
Marcia J. Bunge, Elliot N. Dorff, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, William Werpehowski, Farid Esack, Lily Zakiyah Munir, Azim Nanji, John Wall, Nelly Van Doorn-Harder, Sylvia Barack Fishman, Marcia Hermansen, Annemie Dillen, Bonnie Miller-McLemore, Keith Graber Miller, Laurie Zoloth, Don Browning, John Witte, and Jr, Ebrahim Moosa.