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Ryan's Tenure as SHCY Editor Ends

Dear Colleagues:

This week, I put together the 53rd SHCY Monthly Digest and the 168th multi-media Feature for the Society's online magazine at www.shcy.org.  All good things come to their end, and my 5-year term as SHCY Editor will conclude at the end of May.

Since the launch of H-Childhood in 1998, it has been my honor to be part of developing the online scholarly community that was vital for creating childhood and youth history. As I reflect over the last 25 years, I see a field that has become internationally linked, and topically/conceptually diverse. The historical study of childhood and youth has been established through layers of books, journals, conferences, seminars, podcasts, videos, websites, academic programs and courses, societies, working groups, and networks. Today, SHCY is only one important node within an increasingly dense global network of scholars. This fact gives me some satisfaction.  

All the best,

Pat Ryan