Best Article Prize in Spanish for 2019 and 2020.
Susana Sosenski, “El caso Bohigas: reacciones al secuestro infantil en el México de los años cuarenta”, Hispanic American Historical Review, 99:1, February 2019.
Translation: “The Bohigas Case: Reactions to Child Kidnapping in 1940s Mexico”
Based on a significant variety of sources, this article innovatively researches a “moral panic” surrounding the kidnapping of a child in 1940s Mexico. The article reconstructs that moral panic against the backdrop of major social transformations, urban changes, and childrearing practices. The article contributes to a better understanding of child autonomies and uses of the public spaces as well as to urban and gender history.
Award Committee: Valeria Manzano, Elena Jackson Albarrán, and Sandra Souto Krustín