Welcome to the new SHCY website!
The revitalization of the website includes several new features and space for SHCY members to publish any news of their latest accomplishments. Don't worry, we still have all the wonderful contributions that SHCY members made throughout the years to the old website, available in our Past Conferences, News and Announcements, and Commentaries.
Our front page now includes the most up-to-date posts and all of our featured content. You don't need to go searching through tabs or menus to find important information relating to conferences, journals, or publication opportunities.
In the upcoming weeks, we will finalize our events calendar, which will appear on the front page.
A quick tour of what's new:
You'll notice in the menu bar a Features section. It includes a regularly updated Featured Student, Featured Commentary, and Featured Book.
Featured Student
Our first featured student is Katherine S. Cartwright. Kat is a PhD candidate at William and Mary College. In a video interview, she talks about the historical diary that motivates her research, and how she uses it in the classroom. You can read and watch, here.
If you would like to be considered for the Featured Student series, which is ongoing, please read our CFP. We look forward to hearing from you.
Featured Commentary
Kelly Condit-Shrestha and the Immigration History Research Centre contributed to the first featured commentary. Kelly wrote this think piece, "Migration across Global Regimes of Childhood" in preparation for the Migration and Global Regimes of Childhood Symposium. We look forward to her follow-up, after the Symposium. Read here.
We are also accepting Featured Commentary contributions on a regular basis, go here for more details.
Featured Book
The first book that we are featuring is Progressive Mothers, Better Babies: Race, Public Health, And The State In Brazil, 1850-1945 by Okezi T. Otovo. Okezi's audio interview is also posted to the new SHCY podcast. It's an incredibly interesting and easy listen, which played effortlessly in the background while your Digital Fellow worked on the website. Read and listen, here.
The featured books are based on recent reviews in the Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth.
Featured Resources
We also have a new Featured Resources page. The Resources are meant to be teaching tools for SHCY readers and members to take into their classroom to help others learn about the history of childhood and youth. Currently, there are two posted resources from the old website. If you have any recommendations for worthwhile resources to add to the page, please feel free to e-mail Carla Joubert, and she will add them to the page.
This is where anything and everything related to the 2019 Conference will be posted. It currently includes the CFP for the conference, but as the conference draws closer, new details will go to this page. You can also find all of the old conference programs now in one place.
If you have been with SHCY from the start, you may recall that from 2002 until 2012, the SHCY released quarterly newsletters. Those newsletters will shortly be available in full at this page. They are being updated to include all active links, with all inactive links removed, and optimized for greater readability across devices, like your phone, laptop, and tablet.
Calls for Participation
We have cleaned up all our CFPs from years past, and will now only keep CFPs that are under a year old, or continuous. So please head over to the Calls for Participation page to see the latest conference, publication, or website contribution opportunities available to you!
Outside the Website:
In addition to new avenues of exploration on the web page, we have developed external media accounts as well.
Any videos that are shared through the SHCY website first (not re-linked) are now available on our YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe!
We have a new SHCY Podcast! If you're old-school and want the original RSS feed, you can use this link. However, if you'd like to subscribe to our channel through a service provider, you can do so either through iTunes or Google Play.
To subscribe to the SHCY podcast through iTunes, click here.
To subscribe to the SHCY podcast through Google Play, click here.
Finally, don't forget to follow us on Twitter.
If you have any comments, questions, or feedback, and if you find any glitches, or errors, or errors of omissions, please e-mail Carla Joubert, the SHCY Digital Fellow.
About the Author
Carla Joubert is the Digital Fellow for the Society for the History of Children and Youth. This is her second year working with SHCY to develop the organization's online media presence. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. Her research is a comparative analysis of the role that white women played in the settler colonization of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek and the Canadian Prairie West in the nineteenth century. Her supervisor is Dr. Laurel Shire. She is also the head organizer of the Network of Women in History, and the Digital Research Assistant for her university's History Department.